TreyT3 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social media marketing can be a very powerful tool for your overall business online marketing strategy. Many ask however, if there is a true ROI to social media marketing. Here is what an expert is saying on my website. Read More
Looking for a fast business loan can put your business in a financial crisis. Doing a little bit more research and understanding why you are looking for business financing will put your business in a much better position. Read More
It's amazing how the lack of access to capital can affect so many aspects of our nations economy. Here is one example of how far it went when a small business couldn't get approved for a small business loan Read More
I have found that many small business owners when they start their business, and seek first time financing, are way in over their head. Start small and work your way to bigger numbers. Crawl, walk, run into your new business Read More
Many first time business owners make huge mistakes when financing their small business. Don't make the common mistakes and end up with no money and no business Read More
The government says that in order for us to quickly find our way out of this recession is for banks to pick up their lending to small businesses. Banks state there is no demand. Banks do not have their eyes open Read More
Entrepreneurs often get caught up on day to day operations and don't really spend the time to look at their business from a different point of view. I went body surfing the other day and couldn't help to think how similar surfing is to running a business Read More

10 Steps to Courageous Leadership

Avatar Posted by smallbiztrends under Self-Development
From 5203 days ago
Made Hot by: dreamwithdeadline on July 1, 2010 9:58 pm
Leadership begins within, with how you feel and how you interact with the world. If you are interested in developing your skills to become a leader in your small business, then savor this article. Among the 10 steps to courageous leadership include ... Read More
Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc… are all tools that help us find what we need, connect with people and market our businesses, but they are also making it very easy for you to leave a legacy. Every little thing that we now do can be documented and placed on the Internet for world to see and our great grandkids whether we like it or not, all the good and the bad Read More
Business credit is one of those long lost assets. With new underwriting guidelines for small business success, building strong business credit can make or break a deal. It's not a matter of if a lender will look at your business credit score, it's a matter of when. Make sure you're prepared Read More

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