Wishpond voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Do you have a landing page on your website? Of course you do.

Landing pages increase conversions, generating leads and sales for your business.

But do you need more landing pages?

Studies have shown that business websites with 10-15 landing pages tend to increase conversions by 55%... Read More
If your website's 'About Us' page features a cookie-cutter 3 sentence summary of your company, be prepared to encounter some disruptive yet ultimately beneficial ideas for your own business.

I'll discuss the strategies and styles that will help you succeed in building a solid 'About Us' page... Read More
Do you offer a high-end product or expensive service? Should you be designing your landing page differently because of it?

The answer, it turns out, is yes.

Price-point matters (who knew!?) in the consumer decision-making process. It also matters in how you design a landing page for conversio Read More
Have you been looking for a single resource for landing pages? A comprehensive how-to on optimizing your landing pages for conversion?

Have you been searching the web for that one piece of landing page guidance that gives you everything, including... Read More
Are you looking for a way to get more leads for your personal training business? You’re looking in the right place.

Or maybe you already have landing pages set up for specific personal training offers and ads. Great! There are always going to be ways to optimize and tweak your page to increase.. Read More

Post-Conversion Landing Pages: Your Secret Weapon

Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Online Marketing
From http://blog.wishpond.com 3698 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on June 17, 2014 8:18 pm
Congratulations, your landing page has converted a lead. That’s awesome.

But before you pop the champagne cork, I’m afraid you have to hold on for a second. Your lead is warm right now, in this short moment. Don’t let them slip away without a quick, “oh, one more thing!”

There’s no better ti Read More
Do you have a video on your landing page? Should you?

87% of online marketers use videos in one way or another to promote their business. Why? They’re effective.

Put them on a landing page to increase conversions, show (not tell) your stuff and give your visitors a more memorable moment. Read More
Do people love your business? Are they willing to say so publicly?

Awesome! So you’re featuring them on your landing page, yeah? Even more awesome.

But are you sure your customer testimonials themselves are optimized? Or are they, in fact, having a detrimental effect on your conversions? Read More
In the first podcast of their series on landing pages, online marketing experts James Scherer and Krista Bunskoek introduce you to landing pages. What exactly is a landing page, and why are they essential for your business?

Listen in to find out!
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A landing page can increase your leads and get your business tons more sales.

But, there’s a number of fundamental basics to building a landing page that converts. If you don’t have them, you business is likely losing conversions. And that means that all your online advertising... Read More

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