Wishpond voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you’re a content marketer like me, you’re in the sales funnel front line for your business.

But how are you turning your efforts into lead generation? How do you get the numbers to show your results and increase your ROI?

I’ve got a simple and super effective method: landing pages...

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Landing pages hosted directly on your website can generate qualified leads and increase your sales.

Optimizing your website landing pages can increase conversions exponentially. More leads for your business equals more ROI for your bottom line.

Here are 25 tips you can act on right now to... Read More
Are you investing in online advertising? Should you be?

The newest data from ZenithOptimedia gives us the most accurate look at where online advertising has come from and where it’s going.

Is mobile advertising the future? Or social media advertising?

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Looking to create or optimize your web design firm’s landing pages, lead generation pages or sales pages?

Want to see some examples with reasons why some of the elements work & don’t work?

In this article, I’ll go over the notable points & downfalls of 3 landing pages advertising web design.. Read More
Landing page optimization is all about testing and tweaking - sometimes making huge changes and sometimes the smallest details.

But what happens when you run out of optimization hypotheses?

You go to the closest “landing page case studies” article and get inspired.

This article will not on Read More
Landing pages are one of the most effective methods to generate leads for your business.

But before you jump feet first into developing your website lead generation campaigns, let’s take a look at 30 landing page terms you need to know. Read More
Albert Einstein said “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

When you make one, though, that quote doesn’t really help all that much.

This article will give you 5 of my most recent (or biggest) landing page optimization mistakes. I’ll outline the ideas I thought w Read More
Have you written a business ebook? Are you trying to generate more leads from it?

Even with the greatest of all ebooks, you won’t get leads unless your landing page converts.

Try optimizing your landing page. Sometimes the smallest tweaks on your page can increase your conversion rates expon Read More

The Ultimate Guide: Google AdWords for Small Business

Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Advertising
From http://corp.wishpond.com 3767 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on April 9, 2014 12:55 am
Want to learn how to master Google AdWords?

Google AdWords gives your small business a cost-effective method to generate new leads, gain customers, and increase your ROI. But many online marketers don’t know how. This ebook will show you.

Start maximizing your profits to achieve your goals... Read More
Do your customers trust you? Do your readers or your leads?

This presentation gets straight into the most recent Nielsen and Edelman data, giving you insight into the influence of trust and content on your consumer’s buying habits.

Which sector do they trust most? Which source of informatio Read More

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