Airabongco voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Attention business owners, here are some new tax rules that you must know. With these new rules, a tax advisor is a must-have. Here are some of the new tax rules that you should get ready for. Read More
A study founds out that privately owned companies are better innovators than public companies. Why is that so? Find out the answer through this article Read More
If you always wanted to try day trading but don't know how, here is a software that can help you. With 80% of their users making money, this might actually work. Read More
Do you know that you can get the Macbook Pro at a slightly cheaper price. From the price of $2999, you can now get it at $1999 and with improved features. Don't believe me? Read this. Read More
What do you do when an employee sues you? Do you treat the employee as a problem? If you do, you'll only cost your company more money. Here are some things that you can do to somehow limit your costs and even make your employee happy. Read More
We smile when we hear some good news. But a closing of an app that might be close to your heart is just saddening. It's sad to see apps like these that actually works close down. Read More
It seems that the government of Illinois is now planning to tax Internet-based businesses. If they cannot track the location, they'll be implementing taxes on online purchases instead. Find out more about it here. Read More
The new Nexus will be released. Backed up with Google, you can be sure that this is something special. Just make sure that the version is updated or you will have to face some support issues. Read More
How do you deal with employees who suddenly decided that they want to stop working? Here are some things that you can do for them. This way, you can guarantee that they'll still have a considerably good life even if they don't work for your company anymore. Read More

The Power of Unpopular: Yes, It's Actually Powerful

The Power of Unpopular: Yes, It's Actually Powerful - Avatar Posted by airabongco under Products and Services
From 3903 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on October 31, 2013 8:16 am
This book will teach you a valuable lesson on branding. You'll learn how to stop trying to please everybody and stick to the market that loves you instead. Read More

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