Airabongco voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I was chatting with a buddy of mine this morning that launched a sunglasses company earlier this year. A lot of what he talks about is branding, building a brand, how his sunglasses brand fits into lifestyles, and also he talks about what brick ‘n mortar stores have a similar brand for him to get t Read More
Health care reform is constantly changing. But how does this impact the small business owner? Here is how. Read More
Here is a call to all small business owners to not take big data lightly. While big businesses do their best to stay on top of things, small business owners should do the same. Read More
Excited for the iPad Mini? Well, you may need to wait until the end of the holidays. Although that is not really not the best time for an item release, I am still pretty sure that people would still be willing to wait. Read More
Are you doing business online? Then you should better know your consumers. They behave in pretty much the same way with a few exceptions. Read More
Did you know that Amazon has just released a smartphone? If you loved Kindle, then you'll also love this new gadget. Most notable is the object scanning feature that allows you to find the product straight on Amazon. Read More
Cannot decide for the perfect phone for your business? Here is a cell phone comparison that can help you. Read More
This is a warning to all companies who store paypal and credit card data. You might be more prone to a cyberattack than you think. Here are some shocking news about how data is collected through hacking. Read More
Want to learn how to generate more sales? Then learn from Adobe's Kevin Lindsay. He has a lot to say about customer conversions and generating more revenue. Read More
We all know DocStoc as one of the most popular document sharing website. Now, it just made its interface more small-business friendly. Excited to find out? Read all about it here. Read More

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