Alexwriting voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Everything you ask Google sounds a lot more stupid when you actually ask Google. A Funny, True Video! Read More
Today we’re going to take a look at five premium tools for promoting content, and distributing content to social networks, news outlets and press release databases. Read More
I am often asked if I provide other online-type services in addition to my writing. You might be a professional blogger, but what happens if someone asks you to do something else? Read More
One of the great opportunities of the internet and social media is the ability to attract your ideal clients into your business versus pursuing or chasing people who may or may not be the right fit for you. This is why you should stop worry so much about how much traffic your website receives Read More
Here are 12 Facebook contest ideas that are sure to wet your appetite! Hopefully they will give you that helping hand in increasing your engagement and buzz on your Facebook page. Read More
Do you inspire and captivate your social media community? Are your conversations dynamic, engaging and diverse?

In order to stand out online, you must earn the attention of your audience. How you can build a stellar personal brand, use social media to expand your reach, and define your unique sh Read More
The reality of product failure for a supplier is not “if,” but “when,” so the ability to demonstrate the protocol for the process Read More
What Happens When Game Changers STOP Changing?

When does Apple's Influency-based business model stop being influence-y? It already has. In fact, the Influency in Apple's influency started waning years ago. Read More
Many brands will spend tens of millions of dollars on Sunday night to deliver an ad most of us will forget about by the next day. Really smart companies don't want to preach to their users in expensive ads. They want to talk to them online in social media and get them engaged and excited about thei Read More

Starting A Social Marketing Campaign

Starting A Social Marketing Campaign  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 3794 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on January 28, 2014 12:50 am
Releasing an effective social media marketing campaign will certainly help you to boost the way you interact with your audience. This article includes a poll: "You would normally provide your email address in order to access which of the following?" Read More

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