Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

While it’s great that more and more site owners are recognizing the value of SEO, some are jumping the gun when it comes to outsourcing their SEO. They want to hand the whole campaign off to an SEO expert or firm and wash their hands of it. First off, even if you do outsource your SEO, SEO clients Read More
If you’re going to implement a social media strategy, you might as well do it right. Right? That means that you can’t just sign up for an account, create a Page and sign in once in awhile or whenever the mood strikes. Like any other marketing strategy, you need to go in with a plan. Social media is Read More
College consumer behavior classes love to use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a basis for understanding consumers’ motives. The company/product that best meets the four levels (physiological, safety, love and belonging, self worth) of Maslow’s pyramid is going to be the most successful at convincing Read More

Promoting Your Content on YouTube

Avatar Posted by Ileane under Online Marketing
From 4717 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on November 2, 2011 12:50 pm
If you signed up for a YouTube account but you haven’t figured out what to do with it, here’s your answer – start promoting your content! I know, I know…you have a list of excuses for why you didn’t make Read More
Looking to leverage YouTube for your small business's marketing and branding efforts? Nick Martucci, a YouTube marketing expert, has the latest tips on how to leverage the #2 search engine on the web. Read More
The battery life of iPhone 4S is a drastic downgrade compared to iPhone 4. Most users can see the battery drop in just a few minutes of using. Read More
Last week, Katrina from nRelate contacted me by email to ask me to try out their related post plugin, nRelate. I had previously been using Linkwithin, but had recently been on the lookout for a different option for a good related post plugin with thumbnails. So, this email came at the perfect tim Read More

Delegate Social Media Tasks? Ouch!

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Human Resources
From 4718 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on October 31, 2011 11:19 pm
At first, I sat there stunned. Could a newsletter about carefully choosing someone who knows social media (like BizSugar) be followed up with a live example so poignantly demonstrating why it is crucial to do so? Read More
The Experian Hitwise Black Friday 2011 Webinar provided marketers with plenty of useful data and implications for the fast approaching Black Friday 2011: November 25.

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List of books about marketing that Small Business Trends book Editors would bring on a desert island. Find out which marketing books are that good. Read More

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