Damasio voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Grow your app in the competitive market with these smart hacks, and reduce your uninstall rates as well! Read More
Was there ever time when you sat back and wondered how on earth were some games in the market so popular? And how much they were monetizing from their users?

Well, you’re not alone.

Here are the 3 growth tactics these games use to generate millions of revenue in a month! Read More
With the increasing number of mobile applications entering the market and the cost per install growing consistently every year, app publishers now need to get more creative with the marketing efforts.

The app developers and marketers need to join hands to formulate effective strategies Read More
With a number of businesses entering the mobile market, users don’t really feel the need to go with the very first name they see on the app store. What they demand instead is a great experience and value.

And the key to a great user experience? Personalization.

Personaliza Read More
You have meticulously taken care of every aspect of mobile app development and designing. You carefully took into consideration delivering a great user experience. You also marketed your app really well. But after reaching the market, your analytics disappoint you...

While there are a Read More

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