Dodge28 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Answering these questions periodically can help keep long-term goals in mind while you adjust your immediate steps and actions. Read More
While everyone starting their own online business, blog, portfolio site, or just about anything people put online these days, likes to think that their online enterprise is unique. Read More
Having a flexible, powerful and reliable web platform is one of the most important aspects to any new Internet based endeavor. The Internet is teeming with super easy to use online blog or website builders that can get a reasonable looking, basic site or blog up in a matter of minutes. Read More
One of the most exciting aspects of working in the online medium is that the rewards can be sudden and substantial. A traditional business can have busy days, or even busy weeks or months, but there is a fundamental limit to their capacity. Read More
Bloggers, startups, entrepreneurs and small businesses often reach a point where they decide to work on the SEO profile of their online enterprise. At this point there are two choices. You can either learn to be an SEO guru or you must pay someone else to enhance your site or blog's SEO. More ofte Read More
Arguably one of the most important functions of a blog, aside from informing your readership about every little aspect of your life or business, is to drive traffic. A good blog should keep a steadily growing stream of valuable traffic flowing through your site. But what happens when it doesn't? Read More
Content is King! Of that there can be no doubt. But this axiom makes no reference to what type of content is good, or how best to create that content. These two things are left for us to decide on. Conventional wisdom dictates that a blog is the best way to build up a decent body of highly engagin Read More
Most people start a new blog full of hope and excitement over the huge prospects the Internet presents for business, promotions, marketing and so on. The vast majority of people who start blogs also give up after only a few months. Blogging is an endurance race, not a sprint. Read More
Insight marketing is going to be the next big thing. By leveraging social media along with your specific knowledge of an industry or niche, it is possible to provide insight into the future of that niche and establish yourself and your business as a visionary and market leader. Here's how... Read More
Startups, entrepreneurs and, more often than not, established businesses often miss out on potential profits and additional revenue due to lack of proper competitive analysis. Read More

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