Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you the “go to” person in your business or industry? Do people say that you are an expert and recommend you? If so, you have what it takes to be on the news. Read on and learn how. Read More
On April 12, Microsoft announced its Bing Business Portal, competitor to Google Place Pages for small businesses. The handful of small business bloggers who wrote “Complete Guides” are the real heros. Here's why. Read More
Every blogger and business that blogs (which should be every business) needs to regularly add fresh new SEO enhanced content to their site in order to attract new visitors and convert them into followers, fans and customers. Read More
If someone were to ask you the average age of a Facebook user, what would you say? 18, 19, 20? Five years ago, you wouldn't be too far off. In 2005, you had to belong to an academic institution in the United States, Canada or other English-speaking country to have access to a Facebook account. Toda Read More
Last week, Blade wrote about the fact that Spring-Green Lawn Care offers two very distinct franchise models for folks looking to be their own bosses. Read I don't know about you, but I always like to have more than... Read More
While it’s been predicted for years, we’re starting to see conclusive proof that franchises are introducing green technology to cut costs and improve their public perception.... Read More
The Internet has brought numerous wonders and has linked people across the world. One of the benefits that the World Wide Web has brought to its users, specifically business oriented people, is crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is simply getting what you need from a pool of suppliers. Many crowdsourcing Read More
May 16-20, 2011 marks the 48th Annual Small Business Week. This post provides some amazing statistics - both visual and written. Read More
Do you really know what is going on with your site? Do you know how many links your site is getting? I asked one of my buddies about link building the other day since he’s an SEO expert. I’m pretty good at affiliate marketing and making money online but really don’t know that much about SEO and Read More
Social media is one of the most effective and important sources of web traffic for bloggers. However, it is easy to get frustrated because of inconsistent social media traffic. One day, you may receive thousands of visitors, only for the traffic to dry up quickly. Read More

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