Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There is a better way to get prepared in tax time that not only causes less stress for you but less money that is due to your CPA. Here are some tax tips. Read More
Many people believe that once a website is done and launched, they can leave it alone and people will find it. However, like any step in a marketing plan, a business website requires on-going nurturing and updates to keep it fresh, current and competitive. Updates also remind the search engines tha Read More
Sometimes your dream client has needs and places orders before you finish the sales process. You can and you should take the order. But finish the sales process. Read More
Do you ever wonder how great leaders transform the lives of the people around them? As they do so, these transformed people in turn transform the world in which they live. This results to great results in business and in non-profit sectors.Leadership qualities and skills are not given to us when we ... Read More
Transformational Leadership has become a buzzword in Leadership and Management literature in recent years. To successfully practice this kind of leadership, you need several leadership qualities. Some of these qualities seem to be automatically present in the great leaders of our time. But they cert... Read More
As important as any other part of planning for your small business today is your planning for the use of social media. If you don't have a social media small Read More
Someone has just written a scathing post about how much your small business sucks. How do you respond? Do you have a written plan or just react? Read More
I have eight-year-old twins, a boy and a girl. I try to bestow upon them my values and wisdom, but I also recognize that, if you let them, kids can be great teachers. Here are a few examples of business lessons I've learned from interacting with my children. Read More
It's nice to meet someone who used practical and ethical tools of doing business offline to produce a very successful online business. Read More
For writers and publishers willing to take risks now, when the world is experiencing a fundamental shift, the rewards will be survival in an already highly competitive industry. Writers and publishers who do not wake up to the benefits ... Read More

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