Eyalkatz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As a business owner, you want people to remember you and your brand. But how do you do that? Here are some targeted tips that will not only let you put your brand out there but make sure that the brand reaches the right audience. Read More
Change happens not only from the outside but also from the inside. Here's how Oprah Winfrey turned a failing company into a success while also planning to change her habits when it comes to eating. Read More
Are you promoting your brand well? Well, you can do it in your next corporate event. Here's how you can get the most out of the event in terms of promoting your brand. Read More
Investing is a must for every entrepreneur for it only doesn't provide another means to have money. It is also a great way to make your money work for you. Here is a guide to personal investing. Read More
Did you know that on Twitter, tweets that include images receive significantly more engagement, nearly 23 percent more retweets, favorites, replies combined than tweets without images. And that Tweets that do not include links receive, approximately 25 percent more engagement, on average, than twee Read More
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is one of the important tool that can help you and your business to manage and grow faster. The information in regard of company sales targets, sales person prudent sales targets, managing leads effectively, sales follow-ups, sales quotations, sales Read More
Ever heard of Brian Dean? He’s an online marketer, founder of BackLinko, and a top expert in his field (SEO) despite having written only 30 articles.

Within those articles he has a few promising marketing strategies. The one we’ll be discussing today? Content upgrades...

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Website monetization is definetely a lustful topic for us, haha but In a twist of irony, our 7 deadly sins are a homage to WordStream’s sinful series on PPC advertising. If you’re an advertiser as well as a publisher, it’s a must read. And we’re sharing the link to avoid accusations of blog envy.
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How to Monetize an Email List: 22 Tips that Work

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Direct Marketing
From http://www.adngin.com 3269 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on October 10, 2015 1:53 pm
Driving traffic to your website and then monetizing the traffic just keeps getting harder. But if you have a newsletter, you might be sitting on a revenue gold mine.
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Websites have become an integral part of every business. With web marketing growing every year and an increasing reliance on social media and other web-based forms of communication, there are probably more people competing on the web than on any other forum. Read More

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