Eyalkatz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are many ways to make business more efficient. For example, by caring about employees and the space they work in. Lilli Hender from OfficeGenie.co.uk paves the path to efficiency with five easy steps. Do not miss them! Read More
Nowadays, the user experience is definitely the most important factor for Google and other search engines. Search engine optimization based on primary user experience.Google look at bounce rate, re-direction, identical pages, duplicate description, Website URL structures, your website load speed an Read More
Looking to earn more money online? One key area is building influence.

If you build influence you can generate more money online and technology is a key part to building influence. Check out our latest article where we outline how technology can help. Read More
In this blog post we take a look at A/B testing and the impact this technique can have on improving your conversion rate. Read More
How can you build up trust with your crowdfuning backers? Here are five ways to ensure they know you will deliver on promises. Read More
In this Blab we discuss an SEO Quotes Infographic featuring 40 tips from Neal Patel, Brian Dean from Backlinko and Rand Fishkin of Moz. I go over each of the 40 tips listed in the Infographic. Here's a few tips that are mentioned:

Quotes from Rand Fishkin:
Do not use a subdomain to host your bl Read More
SEO is an effective and efficient way to get our site shown on the first page of search engines like google and in this article I'll present some tips to make the process of placing your site even easier. Read More
This article lists tips on how to become a better copywriter from researching to editing and answering customer's needs and your own objectives Read More
If you’re reading this, chances are you haven’t been invited to Google’s most exclusive club. Don’t cry–you’re not alone. We all know that a standard AdSense account, when measured, tested, and adjusted can bring in some killer revenue. So what’s the deal with the mythical Premium AdSense Publisher Read More

Top 10 content marketing tactics for the holidays

Avatar Posted by eyalkatz under Marketing
From http://www.adngin.com 3240 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on November 6, 2015 11:55 am
It’s that time of year again for talking content marketing strategy. Just when you decide it’s ok to gain 10 lbs and drink like a university student at the holiday office party… it hits you. Read More

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