Gregverdino voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Red Queen told Alice, "It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place." That might sound like today's marketing landscape, but it's even worse than that: If you’re standing still, you’re falling behind. If you’re keeping pace, you’re still falling behind. You might survive but y Read More
Thomas Edison might be a poor innovation role model for your business, despite what the innovation experts might have you believe. This post busts the Edison myth and tears down 6 common roadblocks that may be keeping your company from harnessing the power of creativity. Read More
Business leaders love to talk about innovation, but how many organizations are actually innovating every day? The 6P Model lays out an elegant framework for making always-on, sustainable innovation a core capability for your organization. Read More
Every executive has an area of expertise. And with expertise comes the curse of knowledge. Sometimes, you need to learn to view your work and world through the eyes of the novice. Read More
I've been on a bit of a customer service jag lately - as in, getting really tired of poor service. Here's a post about how a car company's $5 processing fee might cost them thousands in revenue. If you have a comment, don't forget to leave one on the blog in addition to on here! Thanks! Read More
Thinking like a business can have unintended consequences on how consumers think *about* your business. A post about how seemingly sound business decisions can cause consumers to think twice about becoming customers. Read More
If it's true that the way we spend our money says worlds about our true priorities, then certain marketing choices betray how we really feel about our current customers. What decisions does your business make about its priorities, and what does that say to your customers? Read More
I'm a big fan of business and life lessons that come from unexpected sources. Here, I use my experience as a teen in a competitive drum & bugle corps to draw out a simple lesson about commitment, entrepreneurial spirit, and the importance of doing "the work that makes the work possible". Read More
When being aware of your competition becomes obsessing over the competition, your business may be in trouble. This article outlines just three ways that paying too much attention to your competitors could do your SMB more harm than good. Read More

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