Hbstuart96 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Please Don't Franchise Your Business

Please Don't Franchise Your Business - http://www.thefranchiseking.com Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From http://www.thefranchiseking.com 4208 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on December 25, 2012 2:12 am
Just because you have what you feel is a great idea...doesn't mean that this idea of yours can be franchised. Make sense? This blog post goes into this topic in a not-so-gentle way. But, it's the truth. Read More

5 Tips to beat your Competitor in Blogging

5 Tips to beat your Competitor in Blogging - http://www.geekblogtips.com Avatar Posted by geekstrack under Marketing
From http://www.geekblogtips.com 4209 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on December 25, 2012 3:07 am
Blogging is in the most competitive phase today, you can see many new blogs created every day by many new bloggers, and some bloggers are very young in age. Read More
Social media marketing podcast #20, In this episode Cliff Ravenscraft shares practical tips and advice on starting your own podcast show. Read More
Check out how you can easily invite your friends from your personally Facebook Profile to like your Facebook Page. It only takes a minute to make it happen. Read More

Now Google Currents with modified looks, widgets

Now Google Currents with modified looks, widgets - http://cstechnologie.com Avatar Posted by Dailyblogtools under News
From http://cstechnologie.com 4210 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on December 26, 2012 5:50 am
When Google had come up with Google Currents, no one had thought that it would grow so popular in such a short time frame. It is a very nice and a wonderful application, heading its way through many other applications. Recently it has headed on to a big update and received over changes, all the way Read More
So, your Facebook page is already getting likes? Great! The next step is to get your fans to engage and this post is all about helping you achieve that! Read More
Facebook is on the "move" again. The company announced on Thursday that it was working towards improving the way its Messaging system works. Two updates are on the menu. Read More

Swedish Schools Close After Riots Over Instagram Activities

Swedish Schools Close After Riots Over Instagram Activities - http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk 4211 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on December 25, 2012 12:15 am
Will Instagram and social media take the blame for people starting a riot in the second largest city in Sweden? As a social media evangelist living in Gothenburg, I am sad to see how irrational behavior is spreading on the Internet and then into an aggressive street mob. When will the journalists o Read More

Are your e-mails given VIP-status?

Are your e-mails given VIP-status?   - http://www.stiernholm.com Avatar Posted by lyceum under Management
From http://www.stiernholm.com 4211 days ago
Made Hot by: Sian Phillips on December 25, 2012 7:57 pm
David Stiernholm is asking the following questions:

Do you have a to-do-list full of tasks you never work with?

Did you once create a well-structured, complete list of all the things you need to do in accordance with how an excellent to-do-list should be constructed, for instance in Outlook’s Read More

Keyword Research – Vital To Your Blog

Keyword Research – Vital To Your Blog - http://blogsetupguide.com Avatar Posted by blogsetupguide under Online Marketing
From http://blogsetupguide.com 4211 days ago
Made Hot by: Sian Phillips on December 25, 2012 7:58 pm
Doing keyword research is on of the most important parts to your blog. Make sure you are fully aware of how to do it correctly. Read More

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