Hbstuart96 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

An article addressing your questions about Facebook's new Graph search engine. Featuring answers for techies and businesspersons alike. Read More

10 Ways to Optimize your LinkedIn Experience

10 Ways to Optimize your LinkedIn Experience  - http://geeklesstech.com Avatar Posted by GeeklessTech under Social Media
From http://geeklesstech.com 4186 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on January 17, 2013 6:52 pm
LinkedIn is the professional’s networking site. It’s a place where people connect to share information, discuss relative topics, seek opportunities, and enhance business relationships. While it’s a heaven for recruiters, LinkedIn offers value for all walks of life. Read More

How to deal with payroll, cash flow issues

How to deal with payroll, cash flow issues  - http://www.enmast.com Avatar Posted by ingebridget under Finance
From http://www.enmast.com 4187 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on January 26, 2013 5:26 pm
Small businesses often encounter cash flow issues, which affects their ability to meet employee payroll (and pay bills). If this is a regular occurrence, some changes need to be made within the business. Read More

10 really interesting articles for every entrepreneur

10 really interesting articles for every entrepreneur - http://blog.karolzielinski.com Avatar Posted by karolzielinski under Management
From http://blog.karolzielinski.com 4187 days ago
Made Hot by: bigmoneyweb on January 26, 2013 4:51 pm
I've just looked through my notes and I've found 10 (not so new, but still very interesting) articles, that every entrepreneur should read. Read More

7 Highly Effective Web Video Marketing Tips

7 Highly Effective Web Video Marketing Tips - http://www.k2seo.com Avatar Posted by k2seo under Social Media
From http://www.k2seo.com 4187 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on January 26, 2013 4:34 pm
In the end keep in mind that your videos must provide useful information or be entertaining. If they achieve that, your customers will like them and share them all over the Web Read More
Alexa Pro is one of their latest efforts to make the ranking system more reliable. So, what is Alexa Pro and should we use the service on our website? Read More

The Ballad of H-P & the Wake Up Call for SMBs

The Ballad of H-P & the Wake Up Call for SMBs  - http://www.portfoliopartnership.com Avatar Posted by IanDSmith under Strategy
From http://www.portfoliopartnership.com 4191 days ago
Made Hot by: focusmedia on January 18, 2013 1:32 am
The ballad of HP spells out the dangers of switching off. The lifecycle of all companies can be depressing. You could be running at $1m in sales or $10Bn. What lessons can we learn from looking at the big boys and their inability to perform on the highest stage? Read More
Google is placing a greater and greater emphasis on authorship, and there are a few tricks you need to know to reap the full benefit of all that fabulous content you're creating. Read More
Here is a quick roundup of some of the latest happenings in the social media world.
URL-shortening service Bitly released on Tuesday three new social data Read More
ChangeThis publishes ideas from thought leaders, entrepreneurs and experts. Here is my top 5 ChangeThis manifestos. Read More

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