Idealancer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The essential facts and statistics to help you understand what being an entrepreneur really looks like, how you can increase your chances of success, and what you can expect once you start living that startup life.

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Canada is one of the best countries in the world to start a business. Here are the best and brightest cities in Canada for startups and entrepreneurs. Read More
If you’re considering starting your own business, you owe it to yourself – and your future employees – to ask yourself if you’re cut out to be an entrepreneur. Do you have these seven essential entrepreneurial traits?

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Businesses need to leverage every strategy and tactic they can to effectively market on social media. One of the most important strategies: investing in good design. Here are five proven ways good design can amplify your content marketing strategy. Read More
There are only two ways to increase your productivity. You must either work more hours or work smarter. People who find a great work-life balance always pick the latter. Here are five scientifically proven ways you can improve your productivity at work and reclaim your personal life. Read More
Focusing solely on selling a product or service to a customer doesn’t cut it anymore. To succeed, your business must start thinking of customers as long-term investments instead of one-off sales. That’s what the most successful companies are doing. Here's how. Read More
If you don’t have a referral marketing strategy in place, you’re giving up a substantial amount of revenue.
Referrals from happy customers represent your best opportunity to grow revenue and profits in your business. Here's what you need to know. Read More
A catchy headline will entice, capture attention, set expectations, and motivate your audience to click through. Improve your marketing by using these 10 proven tips to help you punch up your titles and headlines.

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Color has a deep and often subconscious effect on our behavior. Color is often used to persuade or influence us. How you use it in your business can impact whether your business succeeds or fails. Learn about the psychology of color and how to use it effectively in your business.

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We’ve all heard the old cliche – less is more. But, is it really true? When it comes to web design, the answer is yes. Taking the time to streamline your website will create a better user experience and serve your business better. Read More

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