Ivanpw voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The Top 10 Franchise Business Blogs For 2010!

Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From http://www.thefranchisekingblog.com 5303 days ago
Made Hot by: mm26 on March 13, 2010 10:37 am
Here's a list of some terrific franchise blogs that I read regularly. (I'm subscribed to a few of them, too) Some of these top franchise blogs are run by folks that I know fairly well, while some of them are... Read More
When you’re a one-guy or gal operation, you aren’t often in a position to hire a fact-checker, especially if blogging is just one part of your overall marketing strategy. But at least some fact checking is necessary for ensuring that you turn out reputable posts. Read More

Lessons from a Consultant about Business

Avatar Posted by smallbiztrends under Management
From http://competitiondemolition.com 5344 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on February 5, 2010 9:21 am
This article features 8 lessons from an SEO contractor about how to be successful in business. It could apply to any consultant or professional, including an attorney or management consultant. I thought this was a valuable article because one of the hardest things any new consultant or professional starting a service business has to learn is HOW to run their business. It's harder ... Read More
In recruiting, where much of the interaction is often between just two people, a recruiter and a candidate, it's incumbent on both parties to act with the highest ethical standards. If misrepresentations are made on either side and a wrong hire results, the impact in dollars and emotions is high - and entirely avoidable. Read More

The Art of the 60-Second Tutorial

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Marketing
From http://blogs.openforum.com 5634 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on April 18, 2009 2:35 pm
Video tutorials are usually long, drawn out and boring. Guy Kawasaki offers some examples of great tutorials that are around 60 seconds and would be a great way to explain what your company does on your website. Read More

WSJ Online Revamps Small Biz Content for Better SEO, Broader Appeal

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Startups
From http://clickz.com 6214 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 6, 2007 7:49 pm
People seeking small business information aren't all wide-eyed startup novices, so The Wall Street Journal Online has revamped its StartupJournal.co Read More

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