Jane.courtnell voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Adopt an internal knowledge base to induct new employees smoothly to your organization. Read more to guide new hires in the right direction. Read More
Before launching an email marketing campaign, take a moment to read about its benefits. So let's find out what the top six benefits of email marketing are.
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When thinking about your company’s most valuable assets, something like copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property might spring to mind. Read More
Every decision in an M&A is dependent on a number of variables. Making the right decision in the moment may not be the right decision down the road, but making no decision at all is worse.

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Building a product-led growth strategy can seem complicated, but it doesn't have to be.

Product-led businesses have changed the playbook for successful growth strategies and approaches to marketing.

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Onboarding a new VA means setting him up for success. Here are some tips and best practices for onboarding your new virtual assistant. Read More

How to Engage Your Employees

Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Human Resources
From https://www.agsinger.com 1174 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on July 15, 2021 12:56 pm
The first step to your employees feeling as though they are contributing is to ensure they know what they do makes a difference and how this is achieved. You know their work matters, now you need to know that too. By setting out a clear business purpose, you are embracing a meaningful vision that y Read More
Only one-third of mergers and acquisitions successfully create shareholder value. More often than not, this is down to failures during the post-merger integration (PMI) process. Cari Windt, who specializes in organizational design and change management, pins this on a lack of planning; CEO Christ B Read More
Blocking and tackling, rucking and tackling, passing and finding the angle, building your base mileage. Pick your activity or sport, and there are fundamental skills that aren’t sexy and seem mind-numbingly repetitive.

But they are critical.
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Value capture is, in essence, the end-all, be-all of a company’s life-cycle. Yes, you likely have other motivations for starting your company, but without capturing any value, your company will have a very short lifespan. Read More

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