Kevinocasio voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Today on this blog, I’ll be exposing you to 6 Blogging Errors that have killed thousands of blogs. I believe your joy is to see your blog soar high and not die. Then, you’ve to master these 6 little Errors that have ruined many blogs out there. I want to explain this as brief as possible so just op Read More
In my previous post we discussed about How to Recover Hacked Word Press Blog .Today we are discussing about how to secure your blog before getting hacked. Read More
Lots of small family businesses are getting left behind and forgotten. Engaging in a major marketing push that involves radio, television, and billboards just isn’t in your budget, though, so you’re not sure what to do.

How can you remind people that you’re there and attract more sales?

Two Read More
"I know most businesses understand that blogging can be very helpful, but they are not sure what they should be blogging about.
I would also consider making a rule for your writing staff that there will be no blog posts published that do not have a defined purpose..." Read More
If marketing boiled down to only one thing, it would be this – say what you’re really selling. A lot of the time we think that we are selling a product or service. We aren’t. Marketing is really about selling something far more complex and exciting – human potential. This is the marketing strategy Read More
Happy Friday!

Welcome to another edition of our weekly link roundup.

I hope you’ve had a great and productive week, getting ready to kick back and get your relaxin’ on.

In today’s edition, I have some SERIOUS traffic nuggets for you.

This roundup contains links to THE very best content Read More
We will all encounter trouble in our businesses. The secret is early detection! How can you spot when things are going wrong? What controls can you put in place to avert disaster? Read More
Why Positioning drives growth is key to understanding how to succeed in this highly connected economy. Defining who you are drives everything. And unfortunately we get what we deserve when we fail to define who we are with accuracy! Read More
I’m sure you’re aware of how important list building and email marketing are to your online business. Well, here are some great posts you should read to make sure you’re doing your email marketing the right way. Read More
In the last article on Affiliate marketing category I explained why I prefer Affiliate marketing over Google Adsense. Today i am going to share some tips to become a successful affiliate marketer. Read More

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