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The challenges of managing Gen Y are alive and well. The recession was their first big blow, a clear message that life might not always deliver what they expect and demand. But while it may have made them a bit more workplace savvy, it didn’t undo 20 some odd years of training that said “You’re the best. You deserve it all”. Read More
How big a chunk from your day gets sucked up reading unnecessary emails? Studies show the average corporate email user sends and receives 149 valid (legit, not spam) emails per day. Read More
When people think about motivating employees, they’re usually thinking about ways to reward them. What carrots can be offered to get employees to work harder, what can we dangle in front of them to incent them to take the actions we desire? There are whole books written on ways to reward our employees, and multi-million dollar consulting engagements built on those books. Read More

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