Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Did you see what feature Facebook is testing at the moment? Payments through Facebook messenger coming right up. What do you think, is this a good feature for a social media platform? Read More
Did you see what feature Facebook is testing at the moment? Payments through Facebook messenger coming right up. What do you think, is this a good feature for a social media platform? Read More
Part 2 of the Lease a Sales Rep Interview with Gil Pagan. Greg Hyer brings back Gil Pagan of Lease a Sales Rep to discuss the three steps you need to take to get the sale. Read More

Wearable Technology [podcast]

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Technology
From http://www.insidepr.ca 3645 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on October 16, 2014 2:54 pm
A couple of years ago, a study was released that showed how bad sitting at your computer is for your body. So bad, in fact, Google has claimed the phrase: Sitting is the new smoking.

This research helped launch wearable technology and now, with the new Apple watch, we have personalized and custo Read More
Jill and Brad perform this podcast live at Content Jam, Chicago' largest content marketing conferences in the city. Check it out! Read More
It's no secret that local banks aren't lending to small and medium businesses as frequently as they used to. Figuring out the right capital solution for your business depends on a variety of factors including amount needed, what you're using the proceeds for, the industry your business is in and ho Read More
One of the best ways to incentivize return visits is to reward your loyal customers through offers, special and deals. Before the host of technological advancements, local businesses used to reward loyal customers with a clip card where they’d receive an item free after ten purchases. Read More
Is your blogging business not moving forward as swiftly as you expected? There's a good chance that you are suffering from "blogging procrastination". Read More
It is an undeniable fact that we are in the era of social media. So, it's important to know how Social media as a tool for relevance connection has become an avenue not only for people to socialise, but also for businesses to market and meet potential clients. Read More
Do you think you would benefit if you improved your face to face communication skills?
Probably, yes.
Anyone who improves their communication skills enjoys the immediate benefits of that improvement; because in order to succeed you need to gain the cooperation and understanding of others. And tha Read More

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