Leonesimmy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you want quality profile photos but don't want to pay a photographer a ton of money to take your photos, I give you a ton of tips to use only your smartphone (and maybe Instagram) to do it yourself! There is a lot to consider, but I've got you covered! Read More
On Wednesday, Forbes released their lists of the most powerful women of 2014. This marks the tenth anniversary for these honorary rankings. The 100 Most Powerful Women includes those who are also in the rankings of top women in tech, powerful female billionaires, powerful women in media and enterta Read More
This week I asked our panel of experts…

“Working at home with kids (summer time). If you have kids at home – how do you manage your home during the summer to actually get work done?”
Read More
LiveNinja and Google Helpouts are online marketplaces that let people buy and sell services via live video. Here are some quick facts and ways to get started. Read More
Making money online is a dream of thousands of individuals. Making money by doing your simple routine job is simple but making money online with your own set of rules is pretty exciting. Here are some methods through which you can make money online: Read More

Here's How to Create a Mesmerizing Presentation

Here's How to Create a Mesmerizing Presentation  - http://www.entrepreneur.com Avatar Posted by kumailhemani under Marketing
From http://www.entrepreneur.com 3678 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on June 2, 2014 8:28 am
Presentations can go one of two ways: be a complete snooze fest or an opportunity to get the audience hooked on your company. Here are a few tips on avoiding... Read More
I’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly of business blogging, a crucial leg of any content marketing campaign. Admittedly, starting off is never easy. Read More
The twenty year old CEO of BlitzMetrics, what if everything you thought you knew about time management is wrong?, why no one is reading your blog, Growth Hacking, marketing automation, home office productivity, call centers, Twitter for accountants, the best business tools of 2014 and maximizing yo Read More
The twenty year old CEO of BlitzMetrics, what if everything you thought you knew about time management is wrong?, why no one is reading your blog, Growth Hacking, marketing automation, home office productivity, call centers, Twitter for accountants, the best business tools of 2014 and maximizing yo Read More
Every entrepreneur I know is short on resources, including time, money, and skills. The last thing they can afford is to waste any of these, but in my mentoring and coaching activities, I see it happening all too often. Waste in a startup is any activity that absorbs resources, but creates no value Read More

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