Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The annual Giving In Numbers survey is out, and the results bode well for the state of corporate giving. With feedback from 271 multi-billion dollar companies, the survey concludes that 56 percent of companies increased their total giving from 2012 to 2014. Led by CECP and The Conference Board, the Read More
Smart Retailing deals with using the Technologies and various innovations for the Retailing purpose. One of the greatest innovations in today’s generation is the Smartphone. Read More
Did you know Skype and Klout are outsourcing? Here are other start-up companies that outsourced some of their services to qualified BPO companies, which have proven to be the best decision they’ve ever made. Read More
You’ve probably heard the term ‘You are what you eat’ – in terms of productivity, this couldn’t be more true. In order for your body to perform at a peak level, you need to ensure you have quality nutrition to support your busy life as an entrepreneur.

There is a direct link between people who a Read More

Who Invented the #Hashtag and Revolutionized Social Media?

Avatar Posted by TekShouts under Social Media
From 3364 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on July 17, 2015 6:52 am
Find out who's responsible for the now widely used "hashtag" in this Tek Shouts! article. Where would our social media marketing campaigns be without them? Read More
In today’s free market economy, brands compete with one another to dominate the market. They do this by either playing around with prices or improving the quality of their products. As competition becomes tougher, in order to still remain in the market brands need to take extra steps to keep custom Read More
Facebook's new news feed feature let people choose their content, but unless you read their advertising policies, there's little point in publishing. Read More
Magazine WordPress themes are a particular kind. On one hand, they need to be able to showcase a larger amount of content on a single screen, but on the other, they also need to make the content look attractive and enticing enough to generate a click.

All this makes selecting a quality magazine Read More
Are you budgeting your money in the right way? You can do it in three simple steps. Here is how to budget the easy way. Read More
If you want to make your business sale-ready right from the beginning, then you need to work everyday to prepare your business for sale. It doesn’t matter whether you have any plan to sell your business or not, what matters is preparing your business for sale from the beginning will enhance the hea Read More

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