Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In this increasingly competitive environment, you want to ensure you’re maximizing everything to have a leading edge. One of the important parts of any business that quite often is overlooked, is ensuring your logo is completely on point to capture the attention of your market.

Logo color has a Read More
In this increasingly competitive environment, you want to ensure you’re maximizing everything to have a leading edge. One of the important parts of any business that quite often is overlooked, is ensuring your logo is completely on point to capture the attention of your market.

Logo color has a Read More
Bookkeeping is an important activity that every business should carry out rigorously. The balance sheet, income statement and cash flows are the most important financial statements that form the core of your company’s account book. Read More
Above all, a small business owners’ main priority is to stay in business. But choosing the right equipment to actually run business remains questionable, particularly whether or not a small business owner should lease or buy their equipment? Read More

Advertising on a Small Business Budget

Avatar Posted by markzarr under Advertising
From 3410 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on June 1, 2015 8:56 am
When most people think of marketing, they think of advertising. As my recent article Marketing: A Misunderstood Word shows, there is a whole lot more to marketing. However, advertising is still a major and important component of your overall small business marketing strategy.

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Google’s URL shortener now allows short links to deep link content on your mobile app or desktop website. Read More
I’ve got a confession to make. Sometimes – quite often actually – I absolutely hate writing. I know this sounds weird coming from a professional copywriter and content marketer – but I’m afraid it’s true. Read More
What do customers experience when they enter a franchise's doors? That can depend on whether a dissatisfied or successful franchisee owns it. Read More
Nearly all businesses that are on the brink of failing are there because of clueless business owners. So, how to become a more cognizant business owner? Read More
At Cave Social we’ve been creating content for our clients (and ourselves) for close to three years and over time, it’s become somewhat of a science. During these three years, we’ve learned a lot about content marketing – from brainstorming to publishing and all the steps in between. Here's the fo Read More

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