Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

By Samantha Millets

Are you considering a startup, or already working on one? If so, you need to use as many tools as you can to ensure your success. This is where growth hacking tools come in. Growth hacking is basically tips and tools that will help your startup succeed. Read More
In this latest #TYBCommunity round-up we include a podcast interview with Tweak Your Biz co-founder, Niall Devitt, new Facebook tools, drive more traffic to your blog, your entrepreneur dream team, best tools for keyword research, responsive websites and Google ranking, retail management system, KP Read More
When I started my blogging career 8 months back, I don’t know how to select a web hosting service for my new blog, because at that time I had very little knowledge about these web hosting services, my first blog started with Blogger Blogspot by Google. Read More
Red is a powerful color, evoking passion and warnings, excitement and action. But is it a color you would want to identify your business? Would you want your logo in red? Would you want your main website colors to include red? Would you want to brand yourself red? Read More
Instagram is a hugely important platform right now. It's officially surpassed Twitter with monthly users, and with Twitter's listening problem, that is a big deal. It's a platform where people follow each other with very specific intent. Read More

7 Strategic Ways to Price Your Products and Services

Avatar Posted by PASAngelique under Management
From 3444 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on April 27, 2015 10:45 am
For those looking to enter the market and take on the role of entrepreneur, pricing a product or service can be a daunting prospect, especially if you’re at all unsure about how involved the subject of pricing can be.
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How important are job titles in attracting candidates to look at job descriptions?

Job titles are crucial and a business can change both the number of candidates looking at their job and applying for the job by improving the job title. Let me share a real world example. A company was advertising Read More
How important are job titles in attracting candidates to look at job descriptions?

Job titles are crucial and a business can change both the number of candidates looking at their job and applying for the job by improving the job title. Let me share a real world example. A company was advertising Read More
LinkedIn is one of the best social networking tool for digital marketing tricks to sell your services and get more and more traffic to business website. Read More
One of the best mistakes Brad ever made was saying he could run a company, without ever running one before. But little did he know at the time, but it would change his entire career path! (for the better) Read More

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