Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Being Real and Keeping Up With Trends

Avatar Posted by SeanGallahar under Marketing
From 3446 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 27, 2015 9:30 am
Just like football and technology, marketing is constantly changing and it's vital for small businesses to remain current. The big question is, how does your small business keep up with these trends? Read More
Having a slow or fast mobile site should not impact your mobile-rankings, assuming your desktop site is fast. Read More

9 Ways to Use iBeacons to Engage Shoppers - Tweak Your Biz

Avatar Posted by JillDavenport under Technology
From 3446 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on April 24, 2015 5:04 pm
Apple’s iBeacons are creating new opportunities for businesses, particularly for retail stores. The iBeacon is an Apple device that uses GPS and Low-frequency Bluetooth connections to provide location-based information to smartphones and tablets. It holds a great promise for businesses by offering Read More

7 Simple Ways to Embed Social Content

Avatar Posted by brianjensen7982 under Social Media
From 3446 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on April 24, 2015 10:37 pm
While high quality images, memes and graphics all serve this purpose, did you know that most major social networks all provide options to embed public social content published?

In this post you'll not only learn why embedded social content can enhance your posts, but also how to embed social con Read More
A rational look at the number of “funds” active in the market, measured against the number of legitimate candidates for investment or acquisition, paints a clear view of why so many small companies are receiving calls from interested investors. Read More
This #TYBCommunity round up includes posts on how to succeed on Triberr, Social Media tools to optimize your time, Twitter chats, Nigerian scam for writers, social media for recruitment, challenge self-doubt, tools to capture ideas, improving your credit score and more. Read More
With Facebook declining in popularity among younger users, more and more businesses are turning to Instagram to reach younger demographics. Read More
As the modern b2b buyer becomes blinder to content and marketing communications in favour of their own research, how do you ensure the information they do see is timely, relevant and influential in their decision-making process? Read More
Video content marketing is nothing new, so why all the buzz? Check out today's Frequently Tweeted Question (FTQ) to find out. Read More
Beacons are a new class of low-powered, low-cost transmitters that can notify nearby mobile devices of their presence.

The technology enables a smartphone or other device to perform actions when in close proximity to a Beacon allowing businesses to send content, offers and more through push not Read More

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