Luvhealthcare voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Email marketing naturally reaches the largest sample of respondents, therefore doing your utmost to perfect a marketing email will send your click through rates sky high, and you will see tangible improvements in your traffic levels.

Take a look at this infographic from Just SEO team to lean the Read More
Nearly 90% of the 2,662 HR professionals that took BLR's 2014 Policy Practices survey reported that their organization had formalized employee workplace policies. How are policies distributed to employees? Do they include "at will" disclaimers? Are employees required to confirm receipt?... Read More
There are many aspects to the negotiation process. The key thing is to know the business, the market, the seller and your own interest and then negotiate point by point to get the best deal... Read More

Holiday Shopping Statistics That'll Boost Seasonal Sales

Avatar Posted by ShannonW under Marketing
From 3583 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on December 4, 2014 10:05 pm
Want to boost your year-end sales and get a head-start on a stronger marketing plan for 2015? These holiday shopping statistics will do all that, and more! Read More
Giving gifts can be one of the most fun parts of the holiday season, and a gift that really speaks to someone can go a very long way towards building a stronger relationship. Here are some general tips for giving a gift that is both thoughtful and business appropriate. Read More

Top Four Recruiting and Hiring Trends for 2015

Avatar Posted by AnnMullen under Human Resources
From 3583 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on December 4, 2014 7:52 pm
HR professionals seeking insights about recruiting/hiring trends for 2015 read LinkedIn's 4th annual Global Recruiting Trends Report. LI says, “The most noticeable changes have come across in the way recruiters are resourced, where they find quality hires, and how they promote their talent brand.” Read More

7 Reasons Bigger Business Isn’t Better Life

Avatar Posted by George Meszaros under Startups
From 3583 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on December 5, 2014 4:40 am
As you grow your business it might lose some of the magic. It is a lot harder to run a large business than a startup. You have to juggle a lot more things than when you started. Jason Cohen, the CEO WP Engine, had grown his business to 125 people. The skills to run a startup vs. a company with 125 Read More
In response to the Facebook quality guidelines and the decline in fan page post reach, here are top tactics for increasing your Facebook audience. Read More
As a content marketer, you should know how hard it is to earn money from your passion.

Blogging since 2006, I have a fair deal of experience when it comes to make some extra money on the side.

Read the full article and tell me what you think! Read More
We can all learn from the past. That is a lesson we all learn during some period of our lives. Luckily we can also learn from past marketing strategies to obtain business success in the future. Discover the secrets from the year gone by and draw your own conclusions for 2015. Read More

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