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7 Productivity Tips and Tools for Social Media Users

Avatar Posted by mmangen under Social Media
From 3971 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on November 8, 2013 1:20 pm
These 7 productivity tips for social media users can help make your job easier -- every single day. What's your favorite? Read More
With the growth in content marketing comes a growth in the number of people stealing content to use online. Keep your business out of hot water with these 6 guidelines. Read More
Blogging started out as a hobby for many writers. In fact, the word “blog” comes from “weblog,” a sort of e-version of a Captain’s Log minus threats from alien critters. It wasn’t until businesses realized the value of professional blogging Read More

20 Team Building Mistakes to Avoid With Your Team

Avatar Posted by airabongco under Human Resources
From 3972 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on November 7, 2013 1:32 pm
Team building is essential to any business. That's because the output of your business will ultimately depend on your teamwork. Here are some mistakes that you might be committing when building your team. Read More

Turns Out Email Addresses Are Actually People!

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Direct Marketing
From 3972 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on November 8, 2013 1:39 pm
By Mike Raia

Have you ever gotten an email from a company and, for a second, wondered if they were reading your thoughts? How did they know you were interested in that exact item or service? Weird. Have you ever signed up for a newsletter and find that you’re consistently interested in almost al Read More

SEO or Social Media: Making the Choice

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Social Media
From 3973 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on November 8, 2013 3:30 pm
Search engines and social media are both critical to your success online. These two mediums allow you to reach your target market, connect with your customers, and generate sales. Read More

God-Awful Art and Operational Measurement

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Strategy
From 3974 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on November 5, 2013 1:51 pm
I only learnt one thing in three years of art classes

Whilst appraising my woodland still life (sounds better than a stick) my art teacher frowned at my intricate bark pattern, then told me that I would be far better if I “took distance”, taking time to look at the whole thing and getting a sens Read More

How We Acquired 100K Early Bird Signups with Zero Marketing Budget

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Strategy
From 3975 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on November 5, 2013 5:25 pm
While there has been no rocket or viral growth for us yet, we gain a steady stream of new users every day. We have grown from 0 to 100K signups in 10 months – spending zero. Read More

Growth Hacker is the new VP Marketing

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Strategy
From 3975 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on November 5, 2013 5:03 pm
The new job title of “Growth Hacker” is integrating itself into Silicon Valley’s culture, emphasizing that coding and technical chops are now an essential part of being a great marketer. Read More
At many technology companies, traditional marketing roles are transforming into growth hacking roles. In fact, the work has become so popular... Read More

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