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The Smoking Gun for Deleted Google Author Images

The Smoking Gun for Deleted Google Author Images - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Online Marketing
From 3637 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on July 25, 2014 11:18 am
Despite overwhelming support for the idea that Google’s decision was based on authorship photos’ impact on the CTR of paid search ads, some naysayers insisted that this couldn’t be the case. Read More
Deciding how to put your accounting in the cloud? We set Xero up as an alternative to Quickbooks and see how the accounting software compare. Read More
Deciding how to put your accounting in the cloud? We set Xero up as an alternative to Quickbooks and see how the accounting software compare. Read More
Business owners need to strike a balance between content quality and frequency of posting in order to effectively capture their target audience. Here is advice that can help them find their secret sauce. Read More
I'd like to share a story/case study from the banking industry. Initially a client asked us to help him with KPIs for SLA, but as it often happens it was just a tip of the iceberg.

The major breakthrough of the analysis was really simple. The bank implemented professional surveys and started as Read More
These days, everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, pitching their latest and greatest new idea, and looking for someone to give them money. Angel investors, like me, have long figured out that asking to see the prototype is a quick way to separate the ‘wannabes’ from serious players. Talk is cheap, Read More
New proposed laws for white-collar exemption are pending and will affect your payroll cost. President Obama has recently signed a memorandum to revise the outdated FSLA law. Here's what you need to know. Read More
Creating a better business both in terms of business generated and an increase in the number of clients is all about financial mastering and identifying the right steps. Read More
Check out this cool interview I made with Kosio Angelov about increasing your e-mail (Gmail) productivity... A lot of great tips worth implementing in your daily e-mail usage. Read More
Do you wish your small business was more active on social media, but you don’t have time to handle it all yourself? Letting your employees represent your business on social media can be a good way to create an authentic social media presence, help your employees develop reputations as industry expe Read More

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