Mikehartman1 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What Is A Social Business?

What Is A Social Business?  - http://www.b2bmarketinginsider.com Avatar Posted by sophia2 under Social Media
From http://www.b2bmarketinginsider.com 4061 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on May 22, 2013 1:37 pm
In response to my post defining social selling, I realized that I needed to take a step back and define “What is a social business?” Read More
Learn why marketing automation technology is the essential technology for creating marketing that people love. Read More
In a recent conference, I was asked my opinion on what is the biggest opportunity in B2B Content Marketing? Read More
If a friend walks up to you and asks for advice on how he or she could improve his/her entrepreneurial skill, what will you say to this friend of yours?

Let me share with you some iron clad entrepreneurial skills development strategies. If you seek to develop or improve your entrepreneurial skil Read More
For cash-strapped small business owners looking to keep their operating costs down, free software programs and services can be a real Godsend. But, there are some inherent dangers to relying solely on free platforms and services to run your business. Read More

The 7 Most Dangerous Blog Design Mistakes

The 7 Most Dangerous Blog Design Mistakes - http://basicblogtips.com Avatar Posted by ScottDudley under Online Marketing
From http://basicblogtips.com 4061 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on May 22, 2013 7:31 pm
First impressions are so important. Not just in the online world, but in pretty much anything in life as well. The experts say that you only have about 7 seconds to motivate a new visitor to stick around. Read More

7 tips to make your readers read your blog posts

7 tips to make your readers read your blog posts - http://oddblogger.com Avatar Posted by oddblogger under Success Stories
From http://oddblogger.com 4061 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on May 22, 2013 3:39 pm
They don’t read it, they just scan itThis is the truth in this present era of blogging. Advancement in networking technologies has affected people a lot. People including me are becoming lazy day by day(something that must be accepted). Lazy not to browse but to read. Read More
Many small business owners hire SEO experts, website developers, and consultants to help them with online marketing. But, if you don’t know what to look for you can easily be taken for a ride and have little to nothing to show for all your investment of time and money. Here's how to avoid this. Read More
Share Juice Pro is a new social premium sharing plugin for WordPress that I started testing lately and to be honest with you, I so much love all the features. Its flexible interface gives you complete control over how you present social media “call to actions” to your readers and followers. Read More

10 Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) Questions Retailers Should Ask

10 Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) Questions Retailers Should Ask - http://signiq.com Avatar Posted by globalcopywrite under Marketing
From http://signiq.com 4062 days ago
Made Hot by: Fulcrum on May 26, 2013 4:37 am
As the Electronic Shelf Label (ESL) becomes a viable solution for retail networks, retailers must carefully consider the impact to their ticketing strategy. This post contains a mini buying guide for any retailer thinking about adding electronic shelf labels to their retailer store. Read More

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