Pikzdziz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As I talk to prospects and clients, I hear on a regular basis, “I don’t need a mobile strategy, my target audience doesn’t use mobile devices to find what we offer”. I’m not going to lie, I’m guilty of playing into this as well, but it’s not true. Read More
As a website owner, you want your site to make you money. There are several ways to monetize your website today, but depending on the purpose of your website, certain ways work better than others. Read More
Who doesn’t love a good story? Think back to the stories you enjoy hearing and incorporate them into your content marketing strategy with these tips. Read More
Before you attempt to start up your business you have to take an honest look at yourself as not everyone has the oomph needed to be a businessman or woman. You must have passion and drive and the commitment to see it through and overcome the hurdles that are put in front you. You also need to be hu Read More
This is a social media sizing cheat sheet from InfinPixels which will help you to organize your social network profiles! Read More
As a young entrepreneur, you may be looking for advice or guidance as you consider starting your own business. A great place to turn? A mentor. And January is National Mentoring Month. Read on for more about why and how to get started with a mentor. Read More
If you’re getting started in your business ventures, one of the first things you might be thinking about is how to structure your business. Will you be going solo or will you form a partnership? Read on to learn about these and other common business structures. Read More
The proposed consolidation of the SBA with two other governmental bodies has small business owners and lawmakers taking sides, debating how consolidation would effect American entrepreneurs. Read More
Cameron Francis takes us through Google Alerts and how brands can easily set this up to proactively manage their reputation online. Read More
Anyone in charge of his or her own business who is not familiar with the term ‘slow hire, quick fire’ needs to let it sink in right away. On the surface it seems rather self-explanatory and just good common sense, but internalizing the mechanisms behind why this practice is so fundamentally importa Read More

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