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January Blues: Declutter For A Better Business

January Blues: Declutter For A Better Business - Avatar Posted by alldayPA under Strategy
From 3450 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on January 26, 2015 1:21 am
Take a look around you. Are you disorganised and untidy? From bulging inboxes to endless meetings, and from long lists of objectives to terrible time management skills, employees often negotiate a mass of clutter. Here are three things you need to declutter from your business for a better peace of Read More
Do you ever wonder whether your coworkers are holding you back? Taskworld conducted a survey to find out just how your coworkers are impacting your productivity. The findings indicate that your colleagues play a bigger role in how you operate on a day-to-day basis than you would think.
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We tend to think that charisma is something you're born with — that Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, and Martin Luther King Jr., were able to captivate crowds and connect with individuals since they were kids. Read More

How To Experience The Thrill Of Franchise Ownership

How To Experience The Thrill Of Franchise Ownership - Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 3450 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on January 26, 2015 12:36 pm
Are you ready to experience the thrill? The thrill of franchise ownership? I'm not sure if I'm able to convey the thrill via a blog post. I'll try, though. But the real thrill... Read More
We are almost three weeks into the new year already and the clock is ticking for a variety of payroll tax filing items to be completed. As of January 15th, you will have already taken care of Social Security and Medicare, and withheld income tax. Read More
We are almost three weeks into the new year already and the clock is ticking for a variety of payroll tax filing items to be completed. As of January 15th, you will have already taken care of Social Security and Medicare, and withheld income tax. Read More
Cendrine Calls Out Curation Naysayers!
… in which Brooke sticks the landing for a perfect ten (at least when it comes to pronouncing our guest’s name)!

Meet Cendrine Marrouat (Brooke’s notes on pronunciation: Son-dreen Marh-wah)
Cendrine (her notes on pronunciation:“san-drEEn mar-wah”) is quit Read More
Today, businesses of all sizes are realizing the benefits of cloud technology and how it improves the efficiency, productivity and functionality of business operations. Here are ways the cloud is reshaping small business productivity today. Read More
You did it! You landed your first TV appearance but... now what? We've got all the tips you need to ensure you handle everything like a pro. Read More
Travel is a necessary evil business people. The tips in this article can help you maintain productivity while traveling. Read More

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