Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This infographic has undergo a major redesign which puts a lot more emphasis on visuals. It helps to marketers to make sure all the images they post to the site are optimized to show up with the right sizes. Read More
In 2014, this race to collect information can feel like a game only open to the big guys, the businesses with money and resources for data analysts and hundreds of developers. Find out how you can use information like the pros. Read More

Case Studies from Top CRM Software Providers

Avatar Posted by GetApp under Resources
From 3801 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on April 18, 2014 8:14 pm
As small businesses begin to grow in revenue they are often faced with issues such as tackling larger work loads, managing expanding customer databases, keeping new hires up-to-date on customer information and tracking vital sales and marketing processes.

While Excel spreadsheets and even paper- Read More
Virtualization has made a major impact in many small- and medium-sized businesses, and for good reason. Virtualization allows businesses to downsize their IT Read More

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