Samitarora1 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As we detailed in our post earlier, lead nurturing is the act of following up with leads in a consistent and logical manner, to encourage them to move along the sales funnel and convert. It involves keeping the leads engaged by offering them relevant, value adding content at the right times via th Read More
A website’s bounce rate is the key metric to use to effectively measure how engaging your customers find your website. Another key metric to keep a close eye on is the page load speed, as it is not uncommon for users to simply abandon a website if it takes too long to load or loads improperly. Read More
In our last post, we discussed lead generation in great detail, but lead generation by itself is incomplete and a job only half done when it comes to acquiring leads for your business.

After generating and capturing your leads, you have to nurture them to get them to convert repeatedly Read More
In marketing, lead generation refers to the process of triggering considerable customer interest in order to get them to inquire about the products or services offered by a business. These interested section of customers are referred to as leads.

Here's how you create an effective lea Read More

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