Sixtymarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Since various Google updates over the last couple of years, we have been forced to switch from a national ranking company to a local ranking company. Whilst searching through our competitors we have came across some sites that have been ranked in the top position on Google for some competitive keyw Read More
Coming up with fresh, quality blog posts can be difficult, especially if your blogging on a daily basis. In this post I will give you my thought process for coming up with new blog posts ideas. Read More
Let’s deal with the evidence about SEO and stop the misinformation about the science and art of SEO. I believe in evidence based practice and not what I read about in non-authoritative blogs. Read More
PDF files are ubiquitous. We use them to fill out various forms and applications; students and tutors use them to easily exchange reference materials; book lovers download and read millions of PDF ebooks every day. Apart from these, there are people who use PDFs as part of their Internet marketing Read More

Interview With Ann Smarty - 2014

Avatar Posted by sixtymarketing under Online Marketing
From 3713 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on June 4, 2014 12:44 pm
Getting to know Ann Smarty and her thoughts on Internet Marketing, past, present and for the future. Read More

Blog, Promote, Repeat - Why Most Websites Fail

Avatar Posted by sixtymarketing under Marketing
From 3734 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on May 9, 2014 8:05 am
Creating high value blog posts on a regular basis drives high volumes of traffic, social shares and back links, but this does not happen over night. Most website owners publish content on their blog and promote it through some good channels but give up after a matter of weeks because they are not r Read More
Many Webmasters and website owners still believe creating backlinks is key for high search engine rankings; this is not 100% accurate. Yes, having quality inbound links towards your site is important but the old tactic many people still believe in is; “I need to go out and find as many backlinks fo Read More
Google have made their point perfectly clear on how they feel about guest blogging by penalising the popular brand MyBlogGuest who do not even rank for their own brand search term anymore. Matt Cutts tweeted they have taken action against a popular brand of a guest blog network. Read More

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