Stacieawalker voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Where our hero Marcus works his magic in record time.

This particular episode is an example of the tycoon game at its finest. Captain Marvelous (aka Marcus Lemonis) comes across a very nice business with great potential that can be turned around quickly. The business is already in an affluent ar Read More

10% 20% 30% What's a "Good" Process Improvement?

Avatar Posted by Copysugar under Management
From 3824 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on April 15, 2014 10:06 am
I'm often asked by clients what levels of improvement they can expect from my work. Clients are fascinated by pinning a percentage on each process so that they can show this to senior managers and say "We've saved 30% of the total cost of the process!"

But let's clarify a few things here... Read More

Business Requirements - The End is Nigh

Avatar Posted by Copysugar under Management
From 3824 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on April 15, 2014 10:24 am
Documenting business requirements is one of those pieces of work that sends a cold shiver down my spine, particularly when preceded by the word "detailed". Some of the worst work on the worst projects I've ever seen has been achieved primarily due to the laser focus on creating phone book sized doc Read More
Improvements to customer onboarding are all the rage these days. Why so? Probably because most organisations do it so badly.

Firstly even by it's name we make the process of becoming a customer sound like something that will require herculean effort to achieve - boarding a ship with your luggage Read More

Are we finally seeing the death of “social”?

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Management
From 3824 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on April 15, 2014 10:18 am
First, let me apologize for the shamefully sensationalized headline, but I just couldn't resist. I’m often nagged by my colleagues to make my headlines more attention-grabbing, and while this one may be a little tongue-in-cheek (I am generally pretty dismissive of over-hyped headlines like this), g Read More

Mapping the changing face of BPM

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Management
From 3824 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on April 14, 2014 7:48 am
Anyone who’s been following me and this blog for some time will have seen me rail against those who say “BPM is dead”. (You might even be a bit bored of me now.) Read More
Affiliate is by no means one of the best ways to start making money online and it can start overnight if properly carried out. Thanks to affiliate sites like Amazon, Clickbank, Konga, Shareasale, Peerfly etc where you can easily apply as an affiliate and get you account approved and start earning i Read More
Here are the best content marketing templates we've found to help prepare your content marketing campaign for success Read More
Following Your Passion Is The Key To Big Profits Online. Gone are the days of learning a trade, working long hours, collecting a measly paycheck, living simply Read More

How to Keep Good Financial Records

Avatar Posted by esheckler under Taxes
From 3824 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on April 16, 2014 12:54 am
Tax day is quickly approaching! Don't make it harder on your small business than it needs to be. Read this article to find out how to keep good financial records. Read More

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