Stacieawalker voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How Keeping a Journal Transformed My Life

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Self-Development
From 3828 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on April 8, 2014 11:36 pm
How Keeping a Journal Transformed My Life - How I disciplined myself to keep a daily diary and an outline of the benefits this has yielded. Read More

Writing Priorities: Why I'll Be Blogging Less This Year

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Online Marketing
From 3828 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on April 12, 2014 5:27 am
Why I'll Be Doing Less Blogging This Year - A blogger explains why she'll be doing lots of writing, but less blogging, in the months ahead. Read More

International Happiness Day: A Good Reason to Smile

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Self-Development
From 3828 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on April 10, 2014 2:49 pm
International Happiness Day, United Nations (UN) declared March 20 to be observed. Giving a smile to someone improves your health. Read More

How Important is a Thank You in Blogging?

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Online Marketing
From 3828 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on April 10, 2014 2:41 pm
How important is it to say “thank you” in the blogging world? Everyone likes to feel appreciated and thanking others for reading your blog or commenting is crucial. In real life too Thank You’s are of the utmost importance. It’s part of having good etiquette and the way we interact with others. Read More

Top Inspirational Quotes from Google Plus

Avatar Posted by stacieawalker under Self-Development
From 3829 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on April 10, 2014 11:58 pm
The weekends are a time for us to wind down and relax. Except for us workaholics:) Before we start the hustle all over again take some time today and ponder on the top inspirational quotes on Google Plus. Read More
So you want to become a smarter blogger huh? Well read on… I’ve been blogging for coming up to 4 years this July, wow how time does fly. In that time I’ve hit some serious highs and some serious lows. Blogging for me, as it probably is for so many other dedicated bloggers out there, is a lifet Read More
The Small Business Advocate radio program:

Jim Canterucci joins Jim Blasingame to ask the questions the answer to which indicate whether you're capable of being the calm and consistent leader your people need you to be. Read More
The Small Business Express #23:

The only thing that might be uglier than a divorce is a business partnership gone bad.
Business partnerships can be awesome. Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak, Warren Buffet & Charlie Munger, Mike Monroe & Gary Shouldis and Darryl Hall & John Oats are just a few exampl Read More
The Social Hour by Amber Mac & Sarah Lane:

Amber & Sarah chat with LiveNinja's Will Weinrub on the future of live video chats, Google+ makes view counts public, OkCupid's stance on the Firefox browser leads Mozilla CEO to step down, search Twitter via date range, social media jobs at HootSuite U Read More

Should You Publish A Blog Post Every Day?

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Online Marketing
From 3830 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on April 6, 2014 12:19 pm
If you visit a blog and there’s no comments on any posts, do you immediately leave?

Similarly, if no-one’s sharing the posts on social media, would you?

It’s more likely if you post more often that you’ll get less comments and possibly less sharing on social media. Read More

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