Stella77 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social media has changed the world forever. In just 140 characters or an update to your Facebook status, you have the potential to connect with a complete stranger in the same town or across the globe. In an instant, Friendships are being formed. Business is taking place. People are connecting. And Read More
Will Rank Jumpers help you rank higher? In-depth review, statistics, analytics, and case study inside! Read More
These 15 tips to making your small business successful will not only guide you to the success you want, but it will also guide you to the success of your every step. This article will teach you how to make success your habit. Read More

Can You Legally Sell Wikipedia Content (Like in an eBook, for Example)?

Can You Legally Sell Wikipedia Content (Like in an eBook, for Example)? - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Legal
From 4541 days ago
Made Hot by: stella77 on February 9, 2012 6:23 am
This is something I’ve been wondering about for a while: Can you take Wikipedia content, repackage it, and sell it (in ebook form, for example)? Is that legal? I did some digging and here’s what I found out. Read More
Even if you have a good idea, it might be hard to find financing. One way you can improve your chances is try P2P lending, or some sort of crowdsourcing. You can usually get reasonable interest rates, plus you might be able to find someone willing to take a chance on you. Read More
It’s a common question – is more online competition better for your online business and the answer is absolutely yes! If you open a store in your city, the last thing you want is another similar store opening up on the same block or in a nearby vicinity. In fact, it’s generally agreed that less com Read More
The post discusses how rightly framed Facebook marketing strategies can help a small business carve a niche in the online periphery Read More
Internet marketers have been using article marketing to drive traffic to their landing pages and websites. Article marketing is the number one method to generate free traffic to your site. Internet marketers and entrepreneurs often hire freelance writers to write articles designed to bring traffic Read More
Any search engine professional will tell you - to succeed, you need the right tools. Tools to evaluate keywords, tools to gauge your competition, tools to get backlinks. Read More

Google Algorithm Changes to Expect In 2012

Google Algorithm Changes to Expect In 2012 - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Online Marketing
From 4542 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on February 1, 2012 6:26 am
Google is expected to rely less on backlinks as a way to determine the value of websites. This seems to be the theme of most of the changes we are seeing with Google’s algorithm with respect to SEO.
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