Stella77 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The one thing that bloggers have going for them and can act on right now that will improve their search rank is this: use your blog to build relationships with other people. Read More
Reaching out to the blogging community will be a positive move for your business. With such a high concentration of frequent bloggers and readers, you can be sure that you are accessing a large and interested audience. Read More
A regular schedule is an important part of any marketing program. That's especially true with social media where your customers can become accustomed to seeing updates on a regular basis. Here are some tips on setting up a social media schedule for your business marketing programs. Read More
When most bloggers think about building an email list, the first email service that comes to mind is AWeber. Of course there are other options available, and it’s not my intention to debate the pros and cons of other popular email delivery services in this post. AWeber was an obvious choice for me, Read More
Most people believe: “if you build it they will come,” but I believe that if you pay me for this I will make it. Transform from solo creation to co-creation. Nothing could harm you more than isolation when creating your product. Read More
FIT, or feed-in tariff, is a worldwide, governmentally funded program that is designed to encourage the growth of renewable energy technologies such as wind energy, and is typically achieved by offering long-term contracts, 20 years in the case the Ontario FIT Program. Read More
Viewbix takes any YouTube, Vimeo, or other video and allows you to add a custom skin to it and clickable calls to action right on the video. Add links to RSS feeds, Google Maps, QR codes and more. Watch my video tutorial to see how easy it is! Read More
With huge profits coming in for banks, taxpayers are interested in whether or not the big banks have repaid their debts. In strict dollar terms, the answer to that question is, "yes." However, arriving at that conclusion is a little less direct. Read More
If there is one thing that designers will see during 2012 it is the parallax effect. This is like scrolling but without using the track pad or the wheel of your mouse. Read More
During the evolution of Facebook pages, about a year ago, Facebook did away with the FBML templates and everyone converted to the more popular iFrame tabs. Lujure has a nifty iFrame widget, which is the one everyone “oohed and aahed” over in Amy Porterfield’s webinar (including your’s truly). It’s Read More

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