Timbo1973 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many people who start a blog want to earn money online. The lure of sponsored posts can be tempting and dad bloggers particularly use them. Maybe too much! Read More
There are so many WordPress themes it can be a daunting prospect to find the right one. The perfect WordPress theme for your blog is out there. Keep looking! Read More
CoSchedule is a social media editorial calendar that will help you organise your blog and social media strategy. CoSchedule will change the way you blog. Read More
Disqus is now the commenting system on my blog. I decided to change direction and my stance on blog comments going forward to only allow quality through. Read More
Building an opt-in landing page doesn't need to cost the earth. Think out of the box and use tools that you already own. Get creative. Get more subscribers! Read More
INInbox is a tempting prospect when you consider they offer a free account as well as some of the lowest prices around for email marketing services. Read More
Your social media strategy is important when it comes to diversifying traffic coming to your site. Here are 11 tools I use for my social media strategy. Read More

Giving Constructive Criticism

Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Management
From http://corporatecoachgroup.com 3682 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on July 3, 2014 5:19 pm
It is important to know how to give constructive criticism.
It is important to know how to avoid giving Destructive criticism.

Destructive criticism sounds like an insult.
Constructive criticism sounds like guidance.

You need to know how to give one, and avoid the other.

If you want to l Read More
The critical success factors for a product business are well known, starting with selling every unit with a gross margin of 50 percent or more, building a patent and other intellectual property, and continuous product improvement. If your forte is a service, like consulting or web site design, it’s Read More
Anneke discusses some of the ways in which you can set yourself apart to assure maximum exposure online, so that great jobs and clients coming your way. Read More

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