Zolachupik voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Apple’s App Store refund policy is made app developers unhappy as it gives refunds to customers who are unsatisfied with an app they download.
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Any entrepreneur with a vision can postulate a new business, but it takes a collaboration of many people to make it a success. Today the complexity of forces required for success include multi-disciplinary skills, competencies, and experiences in which the whole is greater than the sum of the parts Read More
If your software is struggling to get into a usable state, it’s probably because you’re overlooking testing.
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This year Microsoft released its own organizational tool. Microsoft Planner makes collaboration much easier so you can focus on what matters.

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How to stay informed without losing your mind

Avatar Posted by MashaKaran under Resources
From http://www.alphagamma.eu 2845 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on December 18, 2016 2:05 pm
Around the election, in a desperate search for answers about our nation’s future, I found myself scrolling, reading, and watching everything I could. I was trapped in an endless pull-to-refresh cycle of consuming more news, tweets, posts, and videos than was good for me.

I told myself that I was Read More
Beacon Technology is a sophisticated technology that utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connections to transmit messages. It has three main protocols - iBeacon, AltBeacon and Eddystone. Read this whitepaper to get a detailed insight into these three protocol formats. Read More
Contracts got you wrapped up in red tape? If you don’t get fresh air soon, you may suffocate from tech deal deprivation. Technology is constantly changing, and your wallet can’t keep up. Your technology must be up-to-date to stay connected to friends and family, and many jobs depend on keeping curr Read More
It's a truth that ought to be more widely acknowledged: if your job involves buying or building software, sooner or later you're going to have to get involved in testing. You might be a designer who needs to check the app works exactly as you specified it. You might be a project manager checking th Read More

5 Critical Factors for Success in EdTech

Avatar Posted by ferdiepre13 under Strategy
From https://www.entrepreneur.com 2847 days ago
Made Hot by: adamhh on December 19, 2016 2:00 pm
The student tends to value content that can solve his problem and not give generic stuff that he can pick from the internet. Read More
Most pricing pages have three plans laid out horizontally across the page. But why? And in what order? Simply copying what everyone else is doing, without understanding the purpose behind certain features or the research that shows which features convert the best, will give you a hollow page that f Read More

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