The other perfect part is simplicity. More studies are showing that this is what customers want. Here is a example where a local small business combined a focused marketing strategy with simplicity and increased sales.


Written by lyceum
4181 days ago

Susan: No worries! Happy New Year! Where have you been? Please feel free to share your vacation memories on my travel blog, AtlasAnd! :)

Written by m4bmarketing
4179 days ago

No where special martin, just up the coast. I didn't know you had a travel blob. I will have to check it out.


Written by lyceum
4192 days ago

Susan: Have you read Rework?

Written by m4bmarketing
4181 days ago

Major apologies for not replying earlier Martin as I was away. I haven't read the book, although I have heard of it. Happy new year.


Written by ShawnHessinger
4195 days ago

Hi Susan,

I'm forever in search of a simpler business model. My technique is to figure what I want to do then look at the steps involved in creating and delivering the product. Then I begin cutting pieces off. Outsource this, this, and this. Figure out how I can automate. Make the product or service simpler. Figure out how to deliver to customers less expensively and with less effort. Businesses have a way of getting more complicated all by themselves, so it's a constant challenge to streamline, to look for ways to work smarter and not harder, and to eliminate effort.

Written by m4bmarketing
4194 days ago

Hi Shawn,

I like your approach and it is a great example for others to follow. If you think about it it is taking the small steps and in the end they all add up to make a difference. Thanks for sharing your approach.


Written by HeatherStone
4195 days ago


You wrote:

"To have simplicity as a partner can be challenging, however the results are worth it."

So true. Working to simplify your business strategy will certainly bring results. Just remember, you don't need to achieve these results all at once. Simplifying your business model, like improving efficiency, can be a process, but it's worth the investment in time and every step you take toward a simpler business model should bring improvements.

Written by m4bmarketing
4195 days ago

Great point Heather and it is so true. Most companies that use simplicity worked their way towards it and it didn't happen overnight.


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