Social Share Buttons – Keep It Simple

Social Share Buttons – Keep It Simple - Avatar Posted by JackieP under Social Media
From 4666 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on August 23, 2011 5:17 pm
If you’ve got a website, then I’ll wager that somewhere you have your social bar, icons or widget enabled. I know..nothing like stating the obvious eh?

But pleeeaassee… for the love of god. Don’t be one of these people.


Written by HeatherStone
4666 days ago

I love this and shared it via our Twitter feed here at BizSugar, so you're obviously doing something right in the share department! :)

Written by JackieP
4665 days ago


Glad you enjoyed it, hoops and circus ponies here.

Thanks for sharing, much appreciated :)

Written by yoni67
4666 days ago

Just getting around to commenting now. had to run quick this morning.

I don't have shares because right now I am a rogue-blogger without much of a home other than temp wordpress blogs that I set up anew almost every time I post.

I also agree...I have seen share bars that block out portions of the article. That's a bummer. Hoops and ponies? I love it!

I once tried to do a plug-in for the BizSugar vote button on Wordpress. I ended up with an aneurism I think. Maybe it was just a bad case of heartburn with a nervous breakdown.

I sucjk at technical stuff.

I will just stick with things I am an expert in:

1) Walking dogs

2) Cleaning up dog poop

3) Laughing

4) Napping

5) Making sure my diet contains enough fiber

6) Blinking


Written by JackieP
4666 days ago


Ohh...I know, I feel your pain. But you wouldn't have it any other way...would you ;)

Written by JackieP
4666 days ago


When you posted earlier that you had to run...I had visions of you dashing off to the toilet post haste....Now you tell me you're trying to keep up the fiber in your diet...well nuff said eh?

I'd like to be an expert in a couple of those myself.

Thanks for the comments, they're a joy to read :)

Written by saraib820
4666 days ago

Help me! I have to live with this every day!

Written by yoni67
4666 days ago

Voting now, comment to follow. Must run. Fast. Back soon. Promise.

Written by m4bmarketing
4666 days ago

Hi Jackie,

Agree with what you say about the share. Good point about test and replace. I like Share bar but when I had it on my site someone said they could not see it so I took it down. Any tips?

I have also seen what Duncan has mentioned about the bar obscures the text, although it shouldn't be a problem as I think you can alter how close to the side it appears.


Written by businessavante
4666 days ago

I'm with you, Jackie. Half the time, the share bar obscures the text - I can't even read the article. I've seen a few boxes that when I clicked on them, about 200 icons show up - so many I have to scroll down quite a while just to find FaceBook (good thing I don't use something further down the alphabet - I'd be an even older man by the time I found it).


Written by MrsZeus
4666 days ago

I hate those big sharing bars where you have to scroll down to find Twitter or Facebook! It wastes my time, tests my patience and, most of the time, I just click the "Back" button.

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