Thinking like a business can have unintended consequences on how consumers think *about* your business. A post about how seemingly sound business decisions can cause consumers to think twice about becoming customers.

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Written by HeatherStone
4378 days ago

Great post, Greg, and still timely--probably even more so. I think the problem with customer service is pervasive and largely the result of unrealistic expectations on the part of business owners and what they want from their bottom line, which is maybe in this economy just a little too much. Perhaps the new norm should be for business owners to expect to pay good employees a little more, spend a little more on training, and use other compensation for retaining talent while seeking to trim other areas with better supply chain management and implementation of new technology.

In a time where employers no longer have an incentive to provide healthcare benefits, other perks might make up some of the difference. What ever happened to the 40% or more employee discount? What ever happened to scheduling flexibility on the part of employers? Stock options? A little control over one's destiny at the company? A little funded education or training?


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