Starting in 2011, a family making $500,000 would have to pay $1,500 in additional income tax to help subsidize coverage for the uninsured. A family making $1 million would have to pay $9,000.

Employers who do not provide health insurance to workers would generally have to pay a fee or penalty to the government. The fee would be equal to 8 percent of wages for an employer with an annual payroll of more than $400,000.

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Written by JanetG
5484 days ago

This rots!

Written by lyceum
5485 days ago

So, what will happen when no family is making $500,000? Is the goal to take from the richer and let everyone become poorer in the long run? Do you have the right to your the fruits of your own labor, or not?

Do you have the right to a free hair cut? If not, why free health care? For an answer to this question, listen to Dr. Leonard Peikoff's talk from 1993. You will find a wealth of information on the following micro site by the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights:

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