Emergencies can and will happen, and often when we least expect them to. If you own a small business, then knowing how to properly prepare for and respond to an unexpected crisis can be the deciding factor between the recovery of your business and it's permanent closure.
Is Your Business Prepared for a Disaster?: A Guide to Small Business Disaster Planning
Posted by Adam_Gottlieb under ManagementFrom http://frugalentrepreneur.com 4923 days ago
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4923 days ago
The canary in the coal mine so to speak is very important. Preparing for danger is important but recognizing when diaster begins can help survival.
4923 days ago
Rochelle Rochelle
4923 days ago
Very true... but it's amazing how people can turn a blind eye to an impending disaster even when it's pounding on their door.
It's kind of like the musicians playing music as the Titanic is sinking.
Thanks for the comment.
4923 days ago
Is it the end of time? 2012? Tsunamis. Volcanos. Giant asteroids on collision courses with Earth. Hurricanes. Earthquakes.
I ponder these and your article as I sit in my home office which doubles as our bomb shelter, a room that every new apt and house here must now have. Steel reinforced walls, floors and ceilings; air-purification filters; gas masks; and antidotes for chemical and biological attack. The only problem is when the hermetically-sealed door swings shut, Internet is lost and it's out of business :(
Surviving a disaster might not happen, but preparing for one can make you feel a bit better!
4922 days ago
Life in Israel... it's not hard to see why so many growing up in this country have to be so tough on the outside: the possibility of death and the struggle for survival is just a normal part of life...
By the way, if you would actually have to use that room for its intended purpose I don't think you'd be worried too much about being "out of business" for a little bit :)