When cash is tight, marketing budgets suffer. That's why Forbes canvassed the entrepreneurial, consulting and academic ranks for go-to marketing techniques that even small businesses can afford. Here are but a few, and the estimated costs of each.
16 Must-Try Marketing Techniques
Posted by suzyQ under MarketingFrom http://www.forbes.com 5508 days ago
Made Hot by: ThomasPickering on October 17, 2009 3:41 pm
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5503 days ago
This post definitely reflects the old idea of constantly pushing a marketing message. How about this tip:
Listen to what people have to say, what they want, what they need. Then help them. I think the most recent example of this is Vitamin Water including their customers in the creation of a new product. They simply listened to their customers and will no doubt profit heavily from sales - all because they reached out and listened...
5503 days ago
5507 days ago
5508 days ago