6 Social Media Campaigns You Can Learn from in 2015

6 Social Media Campaigns You Can Learn from in 2015 - http://blog.paper.li Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Marketing
From http://blog.paper.li 3465 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on December 31, 2014 9:24 pm
Every end of year is a good time to reflect on what brands have done right and wrong in social media. While 2013 ended with a glimmer of hope despite some huge blunders, 2014 seems to have witnessed some notable improvements.

Does it mean that the word “mistake” or “fail” will never be used next to the words “social media” again? Not really. Even with the best of intentions, brands are not perfect. But the more proactive they are to make amends and learn important lessons, the better it will be for everyone.

In the meantime, we can always celebrate the successful and inspiring campaigns that have been launched in the last 12 months. There is a lot to learn from them, especially the six in this article.


Written by lyceum
3458 days ago

Cendrine: You are right about that. "The Internet is made of cats."

Written by tiroberts
3460 days ago

Awesome social media campaign examples, Cendrine. Thanks for sharing.

Written by cendrinemedia
3458 days ago

I'm glad you liked the examples I chose. I wanted to offer a mixture between known and less-known campaigns.

Written by lyceum
3463 days ago

Although I am an iPhone user, I like the Samsung campaign for black cats! I am a cat person! :)

Written by cendrinemedia
3458 days ago

Yes, this campaign will appeal to everyone, I think!

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