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How Small Business Owners Should Make Investment Decisions

Avatar Posted by susanapp under Marketing
From 4653 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on March 14, 2012 8:03 pm
Each and every small business owner makes decisions daily. Business decisions may be as simple as who on your team is taking the client out for lunch or as complex as developing a marketing strategy or making a business investment. Many small business owners appoint a good financial advisor or an investment manager to make all their investment decisions. A good investment manager should have the following qualities:

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Written by BizRock
4650 days ago

I love this tips! Small business owners always have to make right and smart investment decisions. There is no place for mistakes!

Thank you for sharing!

Written by focegneg
4652 days ago

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Written by HeatherStone
4652 days ago

Great post on small business investment. It's an important topic! And another example of how small business owners must wear many hats.

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